On January 13th, the voters of Taiwan are expected to choose freedom and reject enslavement by the Chinese Communist Party. But the CCP’s dictator, Xi Jinping, has chosen otherwise and is now poised to impose his will on the Taiwanese, and the rest of the world.
Even if the United States were indifferent to such a development on the other side of the world, we will not be spared its repercussions. And that is not simply because Taiwan’s conquest would deny us the currently irreplaceable source of advancedchips essential to every aspect of our economy and national security. Neither is it just a matter of the dire, knock-on effects for the Free World of losing one of its most strategically located and exemplary, if largely unsung, members.
No, Xi’s ambitions towards Taiwan are also an incalculable danger for us because of what he intends to do to ensure that America will not interfere with their realization. In short, the Chinese Communist emperor is now ready to neutralize, if not destroy, this country from within.
Xi Jinping has carefully set the stage for such a move by unleashing his proxies to ignite conflagrations across the globe. Such serial acts of "strategic arson’ to date include the wars he greenlighted in Ukraine, Israel and the Red Sea. Several others could be torched on at any time in places like: the Korean peninsula; the mouth to the Mediterranean Sea; the Horn of Africa, and/or Nigeria; or northeastern South America.
Xi’s pyromania thus far has had several predictable effects. The CCP’s "controlled asset” in the White House, Joe Biden, has obliged Beijing by dissipating official U.S. attention, financial and military resources and national prestige on what have, in every case, been ineffectual responses. In the process, Team Biden has materially reduced our ability to deter, let alone decisively defeat, China’ own aggression in the Western Pacific and beyond.
Worse yet, the Obama-Biden 3.0 administration has allowed Xi to emplace tinder inside this country that will allow him to engulf it in flames, too – literally as well as figuratively – at any time. The CCP has reason to believe it can, perhaps by helping instigate civil strife or even mass destruction, preclude the U.S. military from projecting power from the mainland, and maybe even destroy this country. The Chinese Communists may, as Sun Tsu urged, be able to "win without fighting,” or at least win at an acceptable cost.
Of particular concern is Xi Jinping’s successful infiltration of large numbers of unaccompanied, military-age and fit Chinese men across our southern border effectively dismantled by President Biden. While the total quantities are not known with certainty, the New York Times reported that 24,000 entered in the last year. The New York Post reported that there has been a 7000% increase since 2021.
A letter sent by five U.S. Senators to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas in September 2023 noted:
We write to you with concern that over 18,000 Chinese nationals have illegally crossed the southern border in Fiscal Year 20231, with some of these individuals having ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).2 July set the record for nationwide encounters with Chinese nationals with just over 6,100. 94.8 percent of Chinese national encounters in FY23 have been single adults. This trend poses a significant threat to our national security and warrants immediate attention and action from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
An Iranian man interviewed by Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam shortly after he entered the United States illegally asserted that the vast majority of the Chinese whom he saw doing the same were military age and traveling without family members. While Politifact would have us believe "[There’s] no evidence Chinese immigrants at U.S. southern border are ‘troops,’” Army veteran-turned-combat journalist Michael Yon is among those who has closely observed andinteracted with such nationals from China and concluded that some are "obviously” military personnel.
Moreover, the Daily Caller reported last week that, in April 2023, key Customs and Border Patrol personnel were directed to cut back on the vetting of illegal aliens from China, reducing the number of questions they are asked from 40 to just 5. According to Daily Caller’s Phillip Lenczycki:
What we found is that the questions that are remaining, according to the individual who shared the email with us on the condition of anonymity, fearing U.S. government reprisal, his opinion, as well as an expert’s opinion, is that in effect this has sped up the flow, it has increased the speed at which the agents are processing and admitting Chinese illegal immigrants into the United States….It has lowered the bar for them to enter.
In addition, former CIA undercover operative Charles "Sam” Faddis revealed that the practice of scrutinizing the cell phones carried by these Chinese men for evidence of their background and contacts has been eliminated, as well.
The dangers posed by the multiple divisions-worth of People’s Liberation Army personnel evidently now in America are all the greater insofar as it appears we not only are unclear about their numbers, but clueless also their whereabouts and capacity to engage in espionage, sabotage against critical infrastructure and institutions, assassinations, mass destruction, etc.
As questions posed by the five Senators last September that were aimed at illuminating such data have apparently gone unanswered by Secretary Mayorkas, we can only assume the worst. That is especially so since the FBI is fully engaged with its largest investigation ever against patriotic Americans in connection with January 6th, and thus failing utterly to perform its vital counter-intelligence mission of detecting and thwarting real threats in this country – like an army of PLA special forces in America.
In light of the distinct prospect that Saturday’s election in Taiwan may provide the pretext for Xi Jinping’s aggression against that island, preceded by an order to his own special forces units here – and perhaps the CCP’s jihadist allies, also in the United States in unknown numbers – to begin attacks inside our wire, we must immediately take, among others, the following steps:
Frank J. Gaffney acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President. He is the founder and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy, Vice Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and host of "Securing America” on Real America’s Voice, the American Family Radio network and podcast platforms.
If we can’t have what we want then they can’t have it either. Eliminate the problem
The CCP is no longer quiet about following their plan to take down the USA. It’s in your face as clear as day. Mr. Gafney as well as others have consistently expressed their concerns and solutions to a deaf Congress and nation. WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
China CCP , Soros NGOs and Biden Shadow Administration ; US Open Border is staging this for 2024 election . Reading this will reveal that its plausible to see that Xi-Jing and Biden Shadow Government has joined forces to employ the Color Revolution strategy in the USA to destabilize USA Elections , and fundamentally transform the US Constitution under Martial Law https://providencemag.com/2022/08/xis-color-revolution-obsession/
This will open door for Negotiation of USA/CCP debt Negotiations as CCP takeover Taiwan ushering in ” Great Reset ” that BRICS will align with is what the Globalists believe !!!!!!!!!!!
Soros demands US Open Borders Policy , and is involved in Color Revolutions globally . So would Soros engage in funding South and Central America illegal Immigration of Color Revolutionaries to invade the USA for a 2024 Color Revolution to interfere with the Election and cause a constitutional change to US Democracy ??????
Lets Circle Back to Norm Eisen , David Brock and Soros ,
NORM EISEN is a COLOR Revolutionary EXPERT , https://revolver.news/2020/09/meet-norm-eisen-color-revolution/
NORM EISEN runs Transatlantic Democracy Working Group , which is a Working Group of German Marshall Fund of the United States
German Marshall Fund of the United States Works Directly with CCP China
Notice in this how they talk about Bankrupting election opponents ;
This Color Revolution coming to the USA is the strategy of even our Military Commanders !!!! They must not believe in the American People , while they say in " Unrestricted Restricted , Hybrid Warfare Tactics " we must have Competitive Ideas to engage enemies who want to take away the " Individual Constitutional Liberties " because of an Ideology that surrounds Global Overpopulation and Climate Change !!!!!
In this paragraph you can connect General Mattis and Milley to their key involvement in the 2020 Coup against Trump , and SEE how they use " Competing Ideas to push the Narrative the LEFT was and still Today is using to propagandize the MINDS of America about a PRO Individual LIBERTY Politician like TRUMP , at this website , https://www.conservapedia.com/U.S._Color_Revolution
"Bob Woodward wrote that Trump’s Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, and Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, spoke together about taking "collective action” to remove President Trump from office. General Mattis said Trump is "dangerous. He’s unfit.”[113] This is the same thing that the Generals and the CIA said about President John F. Kennedy. Both Kennedy and Trump wanted to normalize relations with Russia and to bring home US troops involved in make-war operations overseas that boost the profits of the military industrial complex.[114] Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963’.
THEN go to this website to SEE General Mattis speak too the ‘ Competing Ideas " that need to be used in " Gray ZONE Color Revolutions "
Another influential military thinker is General James Mattis, a former US marine commander and Trump-era defense chief. In a 2005 essay co-written with Hoffman the two officers describe a transition from a "three block war” – the blocks being conventional fighting, aid, and peacekeeping – to a "four block war”, during insurgencies, for example, when ideas and information become a vital front:
‘Insurgencies are wars of ideas, and our ideas need to compete with those of the enemy’.
It makes perfect Sense They are Planning a 2024 Color Revolution to stop Trump and Install their own Revolutionaries who will " Finish " the Fundamental Transformation of Constitutional order of the USA !!!
An Open Border allowing a Invasion of Color Revolutionaries to cause Rebellion opens the DOOR for a " Suspension of the Constitution " if that Open Border results in a Destabilizing Color Revolution Rebellion !!!!!!!! We just Spent 3 Years being Gaslighted over the term " Insurrection " !!!!
Under the Constitution the federal government can unquestionably suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus if the public safety requires it during times of rebellion or " invasion " .
China CCP , Soros NGOs and Biden Shadow Administration ; US Open Border is staging this for 2024 election . Reading this will reveal that its plausible to see that Xi-Jing and Biden Shadow Government has joined forces to employ the Color Revolution strategy in the USA to destabilize USA Elections , and fundamentally transform the US Constitution under Martial Law https://providencemag.com/2022/08/xis-color-revolution-obsession/
This will open door for Negotiation of USA/CCP debt Negotiations as CCP takeover Taiwan ushering in ” Great Reset ” that BRICS will align with is what the Globalists believe !!!!!!!!!!!
Soros demands US Open Borders Policy , and is involved in Color Revolutions globally . So would Soros engage in funding South and Central America illegal Immigration of Color Revolutionaries to invade the USA for a 2024 Color Revolution to interfere with the Election and cause a constitutional change to US Democracy ??????
Lets Circle Back to Norm Eisen , David Brock and Soros ,
NORM EISEN is a COLOR Revolutionary EXPERT , https://revolver.news/2020/09/meet-norm-eisen-color-revolution/
NORM EISEN runs Transatlantic Democracy Working Group , which is a Working Group of German Marshall Fund of the United States
German Marshall Fund of the United States Works Directly with CCP China
Notice in this how they talk about Bankrupting election opponents ;
This Color Revolution coming to the USA is the strategy of even our Military Commanders !!!! They must not believe in the American People , while they say in " Unrestricted Restricted , Hybrid Warfare Tactics " we must have Competitive Ideas to engage enemies who want to take away the " Individual Constitutional Liberties " because of an Ideology that surrounds Global Overpopulation and Climate Change !!!!!
In this paragraph you can connect General Mattis and Milley to their key involvement in the 2020 Coup against Trump , and SEE how they use " Competing Ideas to push the Narrative the LEFT was and still Today is using to propagandize the MINDS of America about a PRO Individual LIBERTY Politician like TRUMP , at this website , https://www.conservapedia.com/U.S._Color_Revolution
"Bob Woodward wrote that Trump’s Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, and Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, spoke together about taking "collective action” to remove President Trump from office. General Mattis said Trump is "dangerous. He’s unfit.”[113] This is the same thing that the Generals and the CIA said about President John F. Kennedy. Both Kennedy and Trump wanted to normalize relations with Russia and to bring home US troops involved in make-war operations overseas that boost the profits of the military industrial complex.[114] Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963’.
THEN go to this website to SEE General Mattis speak too the ‘ Competing Ideas " that need to be used in " Gray ZONE Color Revolutions "
Another influential military thinker is General James Mattis, a former US marine commander and Trump-era defense chief. In a 2005 essay co-written with Hoffman the two officers describe a transition from a "three block war” – the blocks being conventional fighting, aid, and peacekeeping – to a "four block war”, during insurgencies, for example, when ideas and information become a vital front:
‘Insurgencies are wars of ideas, and our ideas need to compete with those of the enemy’.
It makes perfect Sense They are Planning a 2024 Color Revolution to stop Trump and Install their own Revolutionaries who will " Finish " the Fundamental Transformation of Constitutional order of the USA !!!
It’s blatantly obvious biden and mayorkas have sold out to the CCP.
If they are successful, God forbid, the one positive outcome is, the CCP will “eliminate” all those politicians who have assisted them. They will rightfully see them as traitors, having betrayed the country of their birth, they will have no doubt they will also betray the CCP, not to mention they won’t be obligated to fulfill any promises made for their betrayal.
Look how the US TAXPAYER CITIZENS are Being SETUP for another 2008 Bailout !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are Natural Asset Companies just another Real Estate Mortgage
investment platform that will end with another Taxpayer Bailout like 2008 ?
This article would make you think so !!!!!!!! AND lots of these NAC would be CCP China owned so US Taxpayers would be Bailing Out CCP China Investors and OTHER Foreign Investors for National Security reasons , Oh GREAT !!!!!!!
Remember the biden administration along with mayorkas want this to happen! We have been complaining for months that military age chinese are entering our borders and are allowed to penetrate our borders without even a vetting. Others are crossing too. There will be terror attacks and espionage! That’s a given. The administration apparently is ok with it because they won’t stop it! Even if they were stupid they would say oh sorry, and shut this insanity down. Instead they do nothing. This isn’t an accident!