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President Trump should impose taxes of human rights protection on the imports from China

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President Trump


Please impose "Taxes of Human Rights Protection on the imports from China


as there are so many so-called free trade supporters and business leaders that have been persistently accusing you of disrupting free trade system


since you imposed tariffs on the imports from China.


In order to minimize the opposition, let us just replace tariffs with Taxes of Human Rights Protection.


After all, without the protection of human rights, there is no free trade.


Imposing taxes of human rights protection on the imports from China will not disrupt the free trade system, but on the contrary, it will only defend the order of the free trade.


As is known to all, China has the worst record of oppression of Human Rights.


In China, Chinese workers don’t have the right of striking and collective bargaining.


They’re just slave laborers.


It is utterly unfair and illegal to let imports made by the slave labor occupy American market and make American people unemployed.


I have to reiterate that the cornerstone of the free trade is the protection of human rights.


And I can assure that imposing Taxes of Human Rights Protection on the imports from China , this act itself will not cause a trade war, but a great fight for the protection of human rights.


Taxes of Human Rights Protection are better than tariffs.


It would be easier for America to unite with Europe, Japan and other countries in the fight of anti-dumping.


The free world should unite and work together under the banner of Human Rights Protection


Taxes of Human Rights Protection prioritize the WTO, which means the WTO could not block America from imposing Taxes of Human Rights Protection


It would punish China which constantly oppress, persecute and exploit Chinese people, and that would also reduce America’s huge trade deficit and recreate millions of jobs.


If business leaders would dare to oppose against Taxes of Human Rights Protection,


American Government should rip a large number of fine off these global multinational corporations.


Because they only care about money, and refuse to stop colluding with China which oppress human rights.


If Europe and other countries reject to impose Taxes of Human Right Protection on the imports from China, just like America does,


America should impose Taxes of Human Rights Protection on imports from Europe and other countries.


Because it is not about taking side on America, but it is about taking side on the protection of human rights.


What’s better is that Taxes of Human Rights Protection not only can be used against China the "Slave Labor Empire,


but also can be used against those greedy  multinational corporations which have been transporting our industries to foreign countries for decades,


and that despairing fact made millions of Americans lose their jobs, especially in the Rust Belt regions.


Once upon a time, there’s a sacred covenant between American people and American companies,


that American people respect the property rights of the entrepreneurship and in return, American companies should hire American people to work for them.


It’s an alarming pity that this bond has been wrecked by these shameless business leaders who have just left American workers unemployed and rotten in poverty,


but choose to collude with Communist China in exploitation of the Chinese slave labor.


American people have the Freedom From Unemployment, and we have to defend their right.


We must require these multinational corps to hire American workers to produce in America at least one third of what they sell in American market,


or we will have to impose Taxes of Human Rights Protection on all of what they sell in American market.


It is the only way that we can rebuild industries and reduce unemployment, better than cutting taxes or giving subsidies.


Of course, not on everything we import, but only on some famous and important products, such as cellphones, laptop computers, motorcycles etc.


Someone may dissent that this policy will cause inflation, but I believe it is more important that we should not leave anyone behind in poverty.


Our country can not afford that American multinational corps make trillions of dollars by exploiting foreign slave labor, while American people can not get jobs and have to rot on the streets.


That is totally a huge crime, I wish President Trump can stop it ongoing.

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Due to the fact that I can’t get in touch with Dr Navarro or Dr Lighthizer


So I wrote this little pamphlet which contains all the ingredients of the Taxes of Human Rights Protection


I wish there are patriots here who would help print this little pamphlet and distribute these printed pamphlets to the supporters on the Trump Rally


So President Trump may add taxes of human rights protection into the MAGA New Deal


It would really make a big difference to the future of America


God bless America

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Is there anyone here?

Could you give me a reply?

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This new tool, taxes of human rights protection, will definitely help Dr Navarro’s work.

So if you’re close to Dr Navarro or his aides, please send this message to them.

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There are taxes of environment protection


Why can’t there be taxes of human rights protection?


It is utterly unfair and illegal to let imports made by the slave labor occupy American market and make American people unemployed


To offset the unbalance, we must impose taxes of human rights protection 

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