“War Room” host Steve Bannon takes aim at Fox News and the Murdoch family for their attempts to sabotage the comeback of Donald Trump. Watch clips of Trump and Bannon at CPAC and then listen (at the 5:00 mark) to Steve explain how to fight back.
“This is why I’m so upset with the Murdochs and Fox. Think about it. They were not going to cover that speech live at all until I called the family out personally on Friday, and I know this because I heard [from] a bunch of people from other media companies call me… They’re freaking out not because they were called foreigners, which they are. They are “rootless” and ruthless cosmopolitan elites. They’re from London, Australia, Davos, or East Hampton. They flit around the world . They’re not really of any one country, and that’s the problem. They’re not Americans…”