Last seen: Sep 12, 2024
@dmacmanes I say Hell is not real. It is my hill to die on dmac. Once you understand the broader picture of God's love, you begin to realize that we a...
I'm not sure why you folks who believe in HELL and FIRE AND BRIMSTONE are not getting after me?
@edgood Hello, No,there is no lake of fire. Not for you or the unbeliever! Much of the problem of dealing with the idea of HELL is the fact that m...
At the end of the day, you have to ask why: 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with puni...
And... Samuel Dawson, author of, The Teaching of Jesus: From Mount Sinai to Gehenna a Faithful Rabbi Urgently Warns Rebellious Israel, says: ...
Hello dmacmanes, so to start, I don't know if you looked at the last link I posted but since you started the thread about hell, I will start there. ...
hello dmacmanes, After thinking about our back and fourths, I have to ask, can you give me some idea of the era you were born? To be honest I have not...
well, I appreciate the advice, but you don't understand, my county and state will go Trump /Republican. We have been in the fight for this for three y...
If you ,as you say, want the words that are translated 'Hell' from the bible, try this Pretty interesting reading
You're quite a character 😐 You are getting worked up about a little spat on a forum, I wonder what you'll do when I show there is no literal s...
For those of you that wan to understand about why there is no HELL as most Christians have been taught to believe, check this out../p>
I really did not want to get into this subject with you, but hey, gotta take it as it comes. My problem with you, dmacmanes is that you have no script...
Well, I have read a bit of the Bible, I don't think I'm hateful, just don't like someone making statements the way you made them. You said 'For Chris...