Congress had one purpose and that was to represent the American citizens. The Congress of today does everything BUT represent us! We should eliminate Congress, entirely, represent ourselves by voting on federal legislation through the States at set intervals during the year, and the waste of trillions of dollars would be re-directed back home. It’s not a hard concept to understand; it’s removing congressional and deep state fingers from the grasp of all our tax dollars! We need to rise and revamp our Republic to be, once again, based upon biblical principles or secede from the union and rebuild America. ✝️🇺🇸
dmac, I understand your frustration. But the congress was/is an integral part of the checks and balances in our original republic. The founders were I believe truly God inspired, though I don't think they necessarily believed like many modern believers believe.
My Congressional representative in my district is very pro MAGA, I am lucky, and he makes it so I can contact him with my wishes on votes coming up. Getting involved. And he responds, which is less than I can say for one of my Senators. But I hound them.
The problem with your hypothesis is that the very folks who vote these turds in are the same ones who will be deciding legislation. God help us.
I don't want to get into biblical principles or seceding from the union (who are we talking about). What I consider as a real pathway to change is to start to educate folks why their lives might not be as fulfilling as it could be.
We all have the ability to help/mentor those around us who may be struggling, to be someone who can be called upon to help, or to be just a kind voice.
Faith and hard work are cornerstones of progress.
Many people have no idea what is going on with our Government. They are way to busy just trying to keep their heads above water.
And that is sad. But at some point they may turn that corner and understand that we are all part of a Republic, a large community that allows us to be free and be who we want to be.
I hope you have a good Holiday season and remember that crossing swords always makes us better.
Right now I am reading 'John Adams and the American Revolution' by Catherine Bowen. (for the third time') Payne's 'Common Sense' if you look it up, was kind of touting the same sort of stuff as you are touting. Adams was very specific in his belief in a Government with checks and balances.
He was totally on board with an 'executive, legislative and judicial branch of Government.