Dave Walsh energy consultant and former president of Mitsubishi power systems joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the cult of climate change hysteria that is destroying the United States energy sector.
"Let’s talk about a rise in temperatures, you can see the conflation. They build this thesis on a basis of facts that aren’t facts. There are no rising temperatures… From 1945 to 1972 according to the Noah data temperatures rose .38 centigrade. From 79 to 23 temperatures on average rose .4 centigrade. So between the 80 years of that time period they are about the same.”
THE AUDIO, Someone tell BANNON to speak directly into the lousy
Microphone he uses. Either raise the microphone, move it closer to your
Mouth OR Raise your voice, better yet get a new far netter more sensitive microphone. Very difficult to heat questions od cpommrnts Bsnnon hss
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.