President Trump sho...
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President Trump should impose taxes of human rights protection on the imports from China

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We should declare emergency and shift into rescue mode to save our working class people and our industries


We can not let these multinational corporations move our industries out without any restraints


Maybe many of you don’t like factory jobs, but it’s a full time and high wage job which could afford a man to support a family of five members


Why do the black men get released out of prison and soon they get in again?


Because they can’t find jobs


And I have to reiterate that it is the discrimination of the CEOs of multinational corporations that puts them in poverty


They don’t want to hire you


We will make them hire you by the threat of the imposition of taxes of human rights protection


We will defend your freedom from unemployment

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We should mandate that if a company doesn’t keep a part of its manufacturing sector in America, then its patents and trademarks would lose the protection of laws


For example, Microsoft company can make billions of dollars from the sale of windows and office software, but it doesn’t make windows computer devices in America, neither do the Dell or the HP companies, they just transport all the windows computer devices to other countries, American common workers can’t get a penny from the windows computer devices industry


It is the inequality between American common workers and elites


The latter doesn’t need to do much work but get paid by millions of dollars, the other one can’t even find a job


That is totally warped and sarcastic


These elites talks about the inequality all the time, between the white and the black, between women and men, between the Christians and Muslins, between the traditional people and the LGBT people, etc


But when it comes to the deplorable situation of American workers, as free citizens of America to compete with the slave labor of China, which is the nature of the modern day free trade, they just ignores


We must use taxes of human rights protection to force these multinational corporations to keep a part of their manufacturing sector in our country and offer jobs to our workers

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Under the cover of free trade, the modern day slave trade is very different from the ancient ones


The biggest difference is that It does not need the procrastinated process of the transaction or the transportation of the slaves


It just takes the Congress dominated by the establishment, which also are the representatives of the multinational corporations to sign a free trade treaty with a totalitarian country where human rights are highly violated


Then the multinational corporations just need to send the order of demand to that country, products will be delivered in short time


It doesn’t need to hire workers backed and protected by the laws and unions in our country, it doesn’t need to worry about the strikes which would cause huge losses


That is a magic business model loved by the CEOs and the directors of the multinational corporations


If the President would dare to try to prohibit this new slave trade, even just raise a little tariffs, they would defame and smear him with their medias, and bury him deep down in the lawfare, if he does still not surrender, then assassinations will be in place


We all witnessed what happened to President Trump in these years

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President Trump is a good businessman


He is trying to make friends with Putin and Xi, so he can haggle with them to settle the Ukrainian and the trade war


That is what a good businessman would do to settle problems, making friends first, then talking and haggling


But Putin and Xi are not businessmen, they are ambitious gamblers


They bet big, because they’re sure that they could win ten times, or hundred times bigger


If they could not win, they would face serious consequences, that means they can not concede, they have to hold on to defend their own authority even if it leads to the doom of their countries


That’s what despots do, they do not talk, they do order or be ordered


So it will be totally fruitless for President Trump in the end


He will realize that he could not bring peace to Ukraine or reach a fair trade deal with China by making friends with with despots


But only by supporting Ukraine with weapons and sanctioning China with taxes

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Tax immunity for the offshore revenue of those multinational corporations if they could expand their investment and employment in the manufacturing sector


Taxes of human rights protection would be imposed on the products sold by these multinational corporations if one third of their products were not produced in this country


These two policies would effectively ensure a prosperous future of high rise of employment and income

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