James O'Keefe an investigative journalist know for employing a large network of elite undercover operatives to reveal corruption at the highest levels of our nation's government joins Steve Bannon on WarRoom to discuss his new endeavor O'Keefe Media Group. The vision of the group is a community driven army of investigative journalists to expose corruption across industries and the globe. You can get involved in the fight for truth by visiting okeefemediagroup.com.
"After this big Pfizer story and me being removed from the organization I founded I've seen so much goodwill from so many tens of thousands of people emailing me and dming me saying, 'I'm ready now, I'm ready now to be part of this army of truth seekers.' The vision of OMG (O'Keefe Media Group) is to put cameras in the hands of thousands of people everywhere. I mean they have awakened a sleeping giant."