Congress is a replica of Hollywood. We have a few good and, mostly, bad actor's who have a script written, produce it on TV, get wealthy, and take continuous breaks in between the next showing. Sadly, we, the people, get reruns of the same old play with nothing that is new. The American people are just an audience watching a televised episode of political pretense maneuvering inside the Capitol.
Parts but the whole better not be. They are acting like a Union, lazy union as they only want to work for their locals which does not work for the WHOLE. I am talking about calling Reps. If we do not give them the right zip code they refuse to help.Thats how Union members work. How does that fare for the whole? Same as doctors treating us as organs instead of Whole beings. They best cut out their illicit acting. I am gathering zip codes for every Rep. When they ask yours you give them back theirs. Their "constituents" are All of us. We cannot survive as a nation if we simply get reruns.