A Shot Heard Around...
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A Shot Heard Around The World

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When I was a kid, I took America for granted. School started each morning with the Pledge of Allegiance (yes, to Old Glory, the American flag) and then we sang My Country 'Tis of Thee ("Thee" referring to God Almighty, by the way). Everyone participated. Kids from families who had recently immigrated to the U.S. worked hard to assimilate into our great country - through language (yes, that would be English), culture, and sports. Kids whose families had been here for a couple generations had already achieved assimilation because, after all, immigration without assimilation equals invasion. That brings me to what we are facing today. We are a country invaded. There is no assimilation. Those who are actively destroying this country from within work tirelessly to make sure their puppets advocate against assimilation. Of course, they are very careful not to say that they are against assimilation, but they are - obviously. They divided us into groups - pitting the groups against one another - and the first thing they chipped away at was the notion that we exist as Americans. We no longer have just plain Americans in our country; it started with African-Americans, then Latin-Americans, then suddenly the groups whose families had been here for a hundred years were suddenly Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, perhaps European-Americans, and then Asian-Americans (never mind that Russia is in Asia and we would never call Americans of Russian descent Asian-Americans - but, I digress). From there, we dropped the hyphenated Americans (actually, when you think about it, we dropped Americans altogether) and moved onto the sexuality acronyms - first L&G, then LGB, then LBGT, then LBGTA, then LGBTA+, and I think now we must be up to LGBTA+ChatGTPCIA (forgive my sarcasm on the last one, but why someone would want to present to the world their identity in the form of an advertisement of their sexual preference is beyond me and it seems very planned and encouraged by AI programmers, the CIA, and others of the same ilk). Then came the "phobics." If you scratched your head about any of the above, you were swiftly denounced as being this phobic or that phobic - including xenophobic, Islamaphobic, homophobic, transphobic, or some other phobic that further served to divide us as Americans. Let's also not forget the "isms" that are slapped on those who do not go along with the "deconstructing America" construct - racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, and that list also goes on and on. We are so far removed from all being Americans, just Americans, that it is no wonder the nation is so very divided. Perhaps the (thankfully, mercifully, divinely failed) assassination attempt on President Trump on Saturday, 7/13/24, i.e., the shot heard around the world, and now a second attempt on Sunday, 9/15/24, will be a wake up call to We the People about the corruption and evil permeating our governments, our churches, our schools, colleges & universities, our culture, and our legacy media - and will propel Americans to stop acting like victims of this group or that, and start acting like, well, Americans.

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July 15, 2024

Revised September 16, 2024