Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies talks to host Steve Bannon about the ever-broadening crisis at the southern border.
The secretary of DHS has issued an update document describing its stance toward the (once Title 42 is gone) coming onslaught of people that are going to be flooding over that border… It’s going to be massive… It is probably the most deceitful political propaganda I have seen yet coming out of the DHS… What you’re going to start hearing from this point forward is we are going to create legal pathways for these people coming in… That means we are going to provide them access to the U.S. asylum system, which is a workaround for something called Title 8… expedited removal. That’s what everybody is supposed to be going through, but asylum is a bypass around Title 8.”
Part 2: Todd Bensman: Biden's Open Border Policy Has Entered The Ideological Fringes As Their Results Become Irreversible