Saturday, May 25
Saturday was a special in honor of Memorial Day.
Full show segements:
"It Bears Coverage Every Year”: Raheem Kassam On The Lost Lives Of World War I
Steve Bannon spoke to Rahhem Kassam about the history of World War 1. Kassam talked about the need – each year- for honoring the sacrifices of those who died in the line of duty to their country.
Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled
Sabin Howard spoke to Steve Bannon about his motivations for his WW1 monument and the process. Sabin also has very strong ideas about a new sort of enlightenment period for art. He also laid out the timeline for getting the WW1 structure in place in Washington DC, where he plans to have a full days event when the monument is opent to the public. He talked about a documentary film project his wife is involved making of his entire project.
Boris Johnson And The Global Elites Have Extended The Ukrainian War To Leverage For Political Gain
Raheem Kassam talked to Steve Bannon about the political landscape as elites have joined together around the globe and have exploited the Ukraine War with a focus on keeping President Trump and the global populist movement out of power. Kassam writes for the national pulse and talked about some of his headlines.