“Fearless at the Point of Attack: The Jeff Clark Story” explores the legal journey of former Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark, who led key divisions in the Department of Justice during the Trump administration. The documentary reveals how Clark faced significant political and legal retribution, including contempt charges, raids, indictments, and threats of disbarment, due to his involvement in investigating the 2020 election. Produced by the Center for Renewing America, this film delves into the personal and professional costs of Clark’s pursuit of election integrity.
In the movie, Jeff Clark, Steve Bannon, Matt Gaetz, and other legal professionals all share a deep frustration and anger over the destruction of the rule of law in America. The tone of their commentary is defensive and indignant, with a strong focus on defending Jeffrey Clark, a lawyer who is a victim of political persecution. Clark is described as a capable and brilliant legal mind whose loyalty to Trump and commitment to investigating voter fraud have led to his unfair targeting by political and legal forces. His supporters emphasize the personal toll on him, describing the treatment of Clark as part of a broader attack on those aligned with Trump.
A central theme of the opening commentary is the weaponization of legal and political establishments against Trump and his allies. Bannon, Gaetz, and others argue that the legal system has been turned into a tool for punishing political opponents, and they position Clark as one of the main victims of this retribution.
Their criticism extends beyond the Democratic Party to include Republican legal professionals, especially those in the “Republican legal establishment,” who are seen as betraying Trump by refusing to support investigations into alleged voter fraud.
Figures like former Attorney General Bill Barr have come under heavy fire for their perceived failure to support Trump when it mattered most.
Much of the discussion revolves around allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election, particularly in states like Georgia. The speakers emphasize irregularities such as unverified mail-in ballots, double-counting, and violations of election codes, suggesting the Department of Justice deliberately ignored these concerns under Barr. They argue that Clark, as a key figure advocating for the investigation of these fraud claims, became a target precisely because of his insistence on addressing these issues. They reject the narrative that Trump and his allies were attempting a coup, framing their actions as lawful efforts to uphold election integrity.
The media is also a focal point of criticism. Outlets like CNN and MSNBC are accused of misrepresenting the efforts to investigate voter fraud, dismissing them as conspiracy theories or attempts to overthrow the government. Clark and the others suggest that the mainstream media, in collaboration with political elites, seeks to maintain the status quo by suppressing dissenting voices, including those calling for investigations into voter fraud. In their view, this media bias plays a significant role in shaping public opinion against figures like Clark and the broader movement aligned with Trump.
Jeffrey Clark’s legal background is highlighted as a counterpoint to claims that he was unqualified or corrupt. His Ivy League education, prestigious clerkships, and career at a top law firm are presented as evidence of his competence and integrity. His defenders argue that these credentials, combined with his legal expertise, made him a valuable asset in the Trump administration and explain why he became a target for political retaliation. The commentary underscores that Clark’s role was not merely that of a Trump loyalist but of a highly skilled lawyer committed to addressing what he and others saw as election-related severe legal issues.
Overall, the commentary reflects a strong resentment and a belief that Clark, along with others like Steve Bannon, a political prisoner, is being persecuted for standing up for what they view as constitutional principles.
The movie paints a picture of a corrupt legal and political system bent on silencing those who challenge its authority, with Clark and Trump’s allies positioned as patriots fighting against a deep-seated injustice.
WEBSITE: Jeff Clark Story
In a WarRoom discussion on Wednesday, with Jeff Clark and Kingsley Cortes, they highlighted the weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) against figures like Clark. Kingsley explained that their documentary aimed to show how "Jeff’s only crime is supporting President Trump and believing in the Constitution,” while exposing how such beliefs are treated as criminal in today’s political climate. They emphasize the need for accountability, stating, "It’s not retribution or revenge to hold people accountable.”
Clark reflected on his targeting, attributing it to his desire to investigate the 2020 election: "I didn’t think that I would ever be such a major target.” The conversation also touched on Steve Bannon’s commitment to the movement, as he interviewed them on the day he was set to report to prison, showcasing his dedication to the cause.
Clark and Kingsley collaborated on a documentary, “Fearless as the Point of Attack,” highlighting Clark’s work with President Trump and what happened afterward.
Watch the WarRoom segment from Tuesday, and the entire documentary is below:
Kingsley Wilson And Jeff Clark Discuss ‘Fearless At The Point Of Attack: The Jeff Clark Story’
Watch the full Documentary: