The Department of Justice erased content from its webpage on child sex trafficking that highlighted the plight of "international sex trafficking of minors” in late May.
The stunning revision comes amidst scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s continued incitement of mass migration via America’s porous southern border β a prime avenue for child sex trafficking β and also coincides with the recent release of the film “The Sound of Freedom.”
The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) webpage chronicling what constitutes child sex trafficking and how the department is combatting it underwent severe revisions on May 12th, 2023, including the erasure of the three sections: “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”; “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors,” and “Child Victims of Prostitution.”
The webpage belongs to the Criminal Division of the DOJ, which outlines the "subject areasβ the departmentβs Child Exploitation and Obscenity Services focus on. ItΒ was previouslyΒ updated under the Trump administration on May 28th, 2020.
“One form of sex trafficking involves the cross border transportation of children. In these situations, traffickers recruit and transfer children across international borders in order to sexually exploit them in another country,” explains the now-deleted description of international sex trafficking.
“The traffickers can be individuals working alone, organized crime groups, enterprises, or networks of criminals working together to traffic children into prostitution across country lines,” it continues.
“This form of sex trafficking is a problem in the United States, and recovered victims originate from all over the world, including less-developed areas, such as South and Southeast Asia, Central America, and South America, to more developed areas, such as Western Europe. Once in the United States, a child may be trafficked to any or multiple states within the country.”
“The United States not only faces a problem of foreign victims trafficked into the country, but there is also a homegrown problem of American children being recruited and exploited for commercial sex,” begins the section detailing domestic sex trafficking.
“Pimps and traffickers sexually exploit children through street prostitution, and in adult night clubs, illegal brothels, sex parties, motel rooms, hotel rooms, and other locations throughout the United States,” revealed a section highlighting children forced to engage in prostitution.
In the section “Child Sex Trafficking,” which remains on the Biden administration’s version of the DOJ website, the following paragraph was also erased:
“After cultivating a relationship with the child and engendering a false sense of trust, the trafficker will begin engaging the child in prostitution, and use physical, emotional, and psychological abuse to keep the child trapped in a life of prostitution. It is common for traffickers to isolate victims by moving them far away from friends and family, altering their physical appearances, or continuously moving them to new locations. Victims are heavily conditioned to remain loyal to the trafficker and to distrust law enforcement.”
The screenshots below show the marked difference between the Trump and Biden-era versions of the website.

Groomers run the DOJ.
Democrats are running things and the country is going down. The child sex trafficking rings might be paying someone off. Not that any of our leaders would be involved monies for influence, right? When the top is corrupt it filters down.
Well, the FBI’s history of supporting pedophiles and child abusers like Larry Nassar what else would anyone expect?
It would be helpful to know exactly what was erased in it’s simplist form. This is very telling
Exactly what a DOJ run by pedos would be expected to do.
This is a frightful cancer on our country and a heinous act against the humanity of innocent children. I am seeing Sound of Freedom today. Thank you for the article, Natalie. Praying courage and protection for all truth tellers like you.
It seems that anything regarding the sexualization of children is now morphing from the greatest evil to a Democrat virtue. When do they start holding awards ceremonies?
People who support sex freaks dressed as women cavorting sexually in front of children are not concerned about the sex trafficking of children.
Keep up the good work!
Needs to be sent to EVERY DEM POLITICIAN’S SOCIAL PAGES, trolls be damned, to force the question: are they”for the children” as NancyPants Pullossini Pelosi loves to declare, or are they not?
House dems have formed the “Dads Caucus.” They have a FB PAGE followed by, wait for it, 48 whopping people! Send it there anyway and ask for a response.
Flood the face of the dem impeachment of Trump, now Congressman Dan GOLDman, the six year CHRONIC VIOLATER MORONIC TICKET FINE DODGING MONEYBAGS RICHY RICH BOY-MANCHILD, who wags his fingers at all the Republicans on committees he sits and tries to turn every topic into an attack on Trump.
We’ve got to bombard these people with their filth and highlight their silence over filth that speaks to complicity with evil actors!
THANKS NATALIE! I love your work! Your work on exposing COVID origins led me to find all ways to avoid the family from being tested, getting ill and getting vaxxed successfully.
Our DNA is safe thanks to your work! This mama prays God’s blessings and protection over you!
Sally forth UNDAUNTED, brave and wise one!
Why would something they actively encourage be a problem for the leftist dominated DOJ?
Impeach Biden and Myorkas and Harris for allowing our borders to be broached by illegals and child/sex trafficers
The Christian thing to do, as Christ himself taught, is to hang millstones around the necks of these perverts and traffickers and drown them. I think we should get into the millstone business.
Alice has stepped through the looking glass.
Go see the film “The Sound of Freedom” at your local Cinema.
It chronicles the horrific and widespread abduction of children for sales to pedophiles. Millions, that’s multi-MILLIONS of babies and little kids every year, and the numbers are climbing.
This great movies depicts a real-life hero who to this day risks his life to rescue children from the clutches of these monsters, but it also includes real footage from numerous security cameras that happened to capture actual children being snatched off the street, OMG so chilling to actually see this happen and realize these children were then repeatedly raped, tortured and likely murdered.
Natalie, I love you! Will you marry me?
So proud of you Natalie. My name is JoAnn Parrott, 77 years old, and you inspire me. Thank you for all of your reading, research & sharing what you uncover. Bless you always.
Disgusting what our gov’t had become. Just burn the thing down and start a new.
Excellent coverage of this horrific “trade.” Shame on the DOJ for not making this priority one in this corrupt administration. There’s always a price to pay for evil, maybe not in this life but there will be a reckoning. Great reporting Natalie, as always.
Would love to comment, but you couldn’t print it!
Have you had enough of FJB’s illegitimate regime yet Sheeple?
So child sex trafficking is not important any longer?
Why do you think that is?
Maybe these sick fux need to be removed?
I guess they found out Hunter was trafficking children so they shut it down and removed the evidence.
Children are sex toys for communists, true story! This story proves the point! They hate the new movie thats out. Pedo’s hate exposure. Why do lefties hate the movie???
Tim Ballard from operation underground railroad that the movie sound of freedom is based on responding to the critics from the media.
Ofcourse they removed the cotent. The DOJ knows that removing the trafficking of minors subject matter is less of a hit to them than leaving the data posted. Why? Because if the sex trafficking of minors was left posted there’d be more of an outcry of, what are you doing about it! Kind of an out of sight out of mind situation. That’s on it’s face.
Another angle, the patriots angle, is that all or good number of these failed criminals are captured thus are behaving like bigger dumbasses than they had been. As in making the case for our nation’s military to rightfully and justifiably step in as law enforcement where the civilian sector has completely failed. Just ask SOD Christopher Millar!
Well, Mr Griffen, I ‘m not sure about that attractive bit, perhaps what’s inside his wallet. But I do have one request of you, π”KEEP TALKING”π PLEASE!
Not at all surprising..
Well, it’s not too suprising to this Alaska Native. What the DOJ has done in this instance with sex trafficking of minors with the Biden administration’s open border policy is akin to what the congress had done with it’s “kill the indian and save the man” policies of American Indians/Alaska Natives by the then Dept of Education which policies which was turned over to the Bureau of Indian Affairs by the same congress.
Not much improved with the switching of Departments in terms of Child sex abuse by BIA staffers or their subcontractees of which programs continued with their “remove the indian [from trbal lands] ” policies, and the “removal police of tribal children from their tribes and parents.
For that matter, their subcontractors, primarily the religious institutions of this nation did not do much of any due dilligence with background checks for their institutions or religious organizations.
When an atrocity is not acknowledged and atoned for adequately, then those which implemeted these kind of polices,…, well, lets just say that history is bound to repeat itself.
In this instance it seems it will be with far more individuals (children), including innocent American kids who will reap the consequences of these DOJ, and the Biden policies.
It’s not a benefit at all, to have removed language that could have protected Minor children both Nationally, and internationally.
I just saw the Sound of Freedom and I believe God’s Hand is behind every aspect of this film to expose the horrible crimes against humanity. Time for military tribunals against all government officials who are complicit in facilitating the trafficking of children, and others. Start with Mayorkas. Tim Ballard is truly an American hero; and Jim Caviezel and the rest of the actors and producers are hero’s as well and thank God for Angel Studios for bringing this information to the masses. The government can try all they want to hide the truth, but the truth will always come to light.
EVIL , the Biden crew is behind everything that is evil & wrong . We need President TRUMP back NOW .
These people are sick, (Q).
Sick pathetic save the kids is all that matters when trump comes back he said Hes going to execute all u pedo sickos