Wrong is Wrong
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Wrong is Wrong

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I'm fully aware that I'll be attacked, called a liberal hack who doesn't belong here but before I make my thoughts known, let me just say, I'm a 110% conservative Trump loyalist, unwavering in my support for President Trump and conservative, honest ideology! Being raised in church has made me who I am today! I've spent hours and hours researching, reading court documents, etc regarding this "Build the Wall" fraud scheme under the direction of Brian Kolfage, who had guidance and direct support from Steve Bannon. Other key players were Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea. Everyone knows the punchline.... Donations will be used for building sections of a border wall at our southern border! Nobody will use the funds for personal use EVER! Sounded good to me too, since I'm for building the wall! Brian Kolfage and Andrew Badolato, were man enough to admit they engaged in fraudulent activity, committing crimes along the way! I respect them and hope they are better men for their humbleness.... Timothy Shea fought until the end but overwhelming evidence resulted in a conviction! Steve Bannon said on multiple occasions,  "This is a volunteer organization", "Nobody would take one penny in pay", "100% to the wall!" Y'all remember that?! Mr. Bannon should be a man, admit his wrongdoings, take his punishment like a man, and return a better man! To me, he's the worst one of the bunch, because he thinks his social clout, his previous ties to President Trump should give him a pass! He's never even offered to pay back the over 1 million he took from everyday Americans who donated to what they thought was a good cause! Shameful!!