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Mel Gibson's video on Vatican II

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"Mel Gibson talks Pope Francis, Abp. Viganò, Canceled Priests, Bad Bishops, Latin Mass, Quo Primum" on the Taylor Marshall YouTube podcast

Mel Gibson recently made some good points in a video aired on the Taylor Marshall YouTube podcast in response to those defending Vatican II: "By their fruits you shall know them." There's no arguing with that! Since Vatican II, what has happened to the Church? Vatican II's including into official church dogma that the host contains both the body and the blood was the central issue that has weakened the Church. And this directly flies in the face and opposes what Jesus said so many times about Communion and how he demonstrated it, with both bread and wine. Jesus said over and over and over again to eat AND DRINK. He said, "Drink--ALL of you."
And TM has mentioned that all of the Sacraments, plus the ritual of exorcism, were weakened by Vatican II. Is the moral degradation of society causing the decline of the Church? Or is it the other way 'round? Is the Church's abandonment of the Sacraments causing the degradation of society? I believe it's the latter.
In John 6:66 (that infamous number of our times, when the colon is removed, the number of the eternally damned) a group of followers left Jesus when he described Communion as eating his flesh and drinking his blood. These people said that Communion as Jesus gave it was a "difficult teaching" to understand. They didn't understand it, couldn't comprehend it, so they left. And did Jesus stop them, and say, "Hey, guys, don't go, it's only a symbol." No, he did not. Rather, Jesus doubled down, not only allowing those doubting his teaching on Communion to leave, but also challenging his disciples to leave, too, if they rejected this teaching. So Peter gave the correct response, that, yes, he and the disciples didn't understand Jesus' teaching on Communion, but where else did the disciples have to go? So Peter was saying that although he did not understand the teaching, he would follow Jesus' instructions. But today we don't have a pope like that. Peter made a lot of mistakes, but disregarding Jesus' teachings wasn't one of them. But, today, we don't have a pope like that. So didn't the Church follow the actions of the people who left Jesus in John 6:66? And what's the result? It's the past 60 years, the decline of the Church, a realization that "By their fruits you shall know them."
The situation exists where many don't understand or comprehend the Communion, it's importance, or why it's necessary to eat and DRINK, as Jesus instructed. Many leaders of the Church are in this camp, and think that, since they don't understand communion as Jesus presented it, that the teaching must be wrong. My question is, if you don't understand something fully, who do you trust to interpret it and guide you? A bunch of men? Or Jesus? The concept of Transubstantiation is difficult to understand. One priest said at mass recently that it's a "mystery." And many aspects of it will probably remain so to most of us.
What I make of trying to understand it starts with the very first prophecy of the Bible, Genesis 3:15--"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Here God is speaking to Satan ("you"). "The woman" is Mary. "Her" offspring is Jesus. But Mary only had one offspring, Jesus. If she only had one offspring, then how is salvation supposed to be transmitted to the human race? How can "her seed" then include the whole human race? One important way (as Christ emphasizes over and over again in the sixth chapter of John, and also at the Last Supper) is through his blood, LITERALLY, NOT SYMBOLICALLY, which he sacrificed, in order for us to ingest through the actual drinking of it in the mass. In this way, we become part of the "offspring of the woman." Otherwise, all we have is our own blood, signifying our fallen state. The Bible says in several places that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Originally, in the Garden, Adam and Eve did not have blood. When Adam was first presented with Eve, he said "This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." Today, when we say someone is related to us, we say the person is our "flesh and blood," not our "flesh and bone." So, through drinking his blood, we receive a blood transfusion of sorts, getting us through our fallen state, because Jesus told us that without this, we have no life in us--LITERALLY, NOT SYMBOLICALLY.
So salvation, then, becomes an act of adoption, requiring the substitution allowing our fallen blood into the bloodline of Mary and Christ, and out of our own fallen bloodline. Jesus further outlines this process in his discussion with Nicodemus, describing the process of being "born again," which confused Nicodemus, and has confused a lot of people since.
So the number one act to cause the downfall of the Church has been largely accomplished in Vatican II's admitting into Church dogma that the "bread" contains both the body and blood of Christ. And the Church has been disempowered because of it. The blood, the most important part of the most important Sacrament, has been omitted in most Catholic masses today. So what's the next step for those who want to destroy the Church? What's step two, the final solution? If omitting the Blood is step one, what step will follow it to complete the destruction of the Church? If omitting the Blood is the first punch, what is the second punch to land a knock-out blow to the Church? Francis and other Satanists and Freemasons in the Church have already begun to try to implement it. It's women priests, the final solution. The action that will make complete the disempowerment of the Church, and all of us.
The reason that women priests and altar servers are not acceptable can be seen in two three incidents from the Bible: 1. when Jesus healed the possessed man who lived in the tombs, and 2. when Elijah in the OT had the contest with Jezebel's "priests." Both of these incidents talk of "cutting" oneself to invoke spirits, that is, demons. Our blood, signifying our fallen state, when combined with ritual attracts demonic forces. The incident of the possessed man who lived in the tombs tells why. Demons must possess a flesh body or they will have to return to the pit. And what is the quintessential characteristic of the flesh body, that is, our fallen state bodies? It's blood hence the reason demons are attracted to it. The reason that female priests and altar servers are not acceptable is because of menstruation because the introduction of human or animal blood in the presence of ritual invocation attracts and feeds the demonic realm.
The other incident from the Bible concerning menstruation is when Jesus refuses to allow Mary Magdalene to hug him after his Resurrection. Yet Jesus allowed Thomas, only a few hours later, to actually probe with his bare fingers, Jesus' wounds from the Crucifixion. So what's the difference between Thomas and Mary Magdalene? Mary Magdalene is typically portrayed as a young, attractive woman, that is, a menstruating woman. And Jesus' body is the Eucharist, right? And he did not allow Mary Magdalene to touch it. Yet today, at the Novus Ordo Masses, with the promotion of Francis, has women passing out the Eucharist by hand, and even giving blessings to parishioners!
The presence of either human or animal blood during a ritual invocation attracts and feeds the demonic. There's no way around this fact. The Bible teaches it in the incidents in the New Testament of the possessed man who lived in the tombs and of the incident where Jesus refused to have Mary Magdalene touch him. And in the Old Testament, this lesson was also taught in the cutting ritual of the "priests" of Bael, the priests of Jezebel, in their contest with Elijah. And today, just look around you. What do depraved practices like Voo Doo and witchcraft do? They offer blood sacrifices during invocations of rituals. Menstrual blood is the highest esteemed of all blood in witchcraft and in the occult. Just do any cursory internet search of the words "menstrual blood" and "occult ritual" or "witchcraft" and you will find the wealth of information on this. I myself was a pagan for 22 years, and during that time, knew several other pagans who participated in the ritual of self "cutting" during invocations. I never did this because, intuitively, I felt it was wrong, but didn't know why. But now I know. So, today, the Church is like the fighter in the ring who has been dealt a serious, life threatening blow to the head. And as the Church stumbles over it's own feet from weakness and literal (not symbolic) blood loss, the room is spinning, and things are getting out of control. And what does Francis have in store for us? The final, knock-out blow, the introduction of women priests. Christ's blood has already been taken away, and they want to substitute for it instead the blood that will feed demons, menstrual blood.