Steve Bannon host of War Room unleashes on Larry Fink, Ken Griffin and oligarchs on Wall Street who are entrenched in DEI bureaucracy and allied with the greatest enemy to the free world – the Chinese Communist Party.
"We have been sold out by a fifth column in this nation. The great thing about the indictment is it begins naming names and we’re going to do more of it. These people are your enemies. Let me repeat Larry Fink is an enemy of the people of the United States of America. He sold this country out.”
I appreciate Steve’s knowledge, and passionate presentation. I may not know all the financial games of our enemies, but I learn from Steve!
The fifth column in Wall Street did it again. This is the fourth time they did to sell out American people, getting themselves filthy rich. The book Wall Street Trilogy written by Antony C. Sutton has combined three books of Sutton which are Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and FDR, and, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, talking about how the fifth column in Wall Street had done in history. If Sutton hadn’t been persecuted academically and probably personally after he exposed these scumbags in Wall Street, and, if he could live 10 years longer, I bet his fourth book would be the Wall Street and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).