Frank Pavone of Priests for Life joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to breaks down the win for pro-abortion forces in Ohio explaining the reaction of pro-life activists in Ohio’s response to pro-abortion issues being put on Ohio ballots by attempting to amend Ohio’s constitution. Pro-life legislators believed raising voting threshold would put a speed bump in potential abortion codifications that originally needed only fifty plus one vote to pass.
Where are you? Have you been censored? Can’t get your reception on “warroom”
I voted Yes on Initiative 1 to move the threshold in Ohio to 60%, not 50%+1 to kill babies! We need to get out there and stand in front of those abortion clinics with pictures of aborted BABIES and put our money out, big and small to stop this abomination!!
Having recently moving back to Ohio I previously fought in the Seattle area against the evil Planned "Deathhood” to stop their abortion plans for unborn CHILDREN! I held signs, as awful (yet true) as they were, of aborted children in front of busy streets where Planned "Deathhood” had their killing clinics. We need to step up this battle, get out there, give as money as we can and as Steve Bannon said, find the BIG MONEY to fund this fight!
Support the Fund Life groups! You go Father Pavone. People, donate MONEY and be organized nationwide. OHIO needs to be organized. No late term or even any abortions! Stop the killing.
voting down Issue 1 was not a win for the baby-killers, it was a win for ALL citizens of Ohio to retain their ability to overturn government…or woketurd…excess via Amendment. When the baby-killers BS comes up on next year’s ballot, we will vote that down too. Never, ever, let government use fear of the bogeyman (or baby-killers or woketurds) to con you into giving the power of the people to use the ballot to keep them under control.